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A 4 MW heating system is on its way to our customer.
A 4 MW heating system is on its way to our customer.

More than 100 delivered heating plant systems in Finland

Ariterm has established its position as a Finnish expert in heating systems, whose core mission is to replace fossil fuels with bioenergy. We have delivered more than 100 heating plant systems in different size categories (200 – 6000 kW). In addition, we have supplied our customers with a total of several hundreds of loose equipment for smaller heating centers.

A few heating plant systems supplied by Ariterm are presented below.

  • Kurikan Energia Oy - Kurikka

    A unique bioenergy-powered district heating system was delivered to Kurikan Energia Oy. The plant's maximum capacity is 4 MW. The heating plant, connected to Kurikka's district heating network, consists of a single Ariterm Bio boiler with a capacity of 4 MW and a specially designed grate for burning oat hull pellets and wood pellets. The plant's fuel consists of a mix of 70% oat hull pellets and 30% wood pellets.

    Using oat hull pellets results in significant savings in fuel costs. Utilizing agricultural by-products is one new way to replace fossil fuels with bioenergy, also in district heating production. Agropellets are significantly cheaper than wood pellets, but their ash content is ten times higher. We have developed a reliable combustion technology to manage the specific requirements of high-ash fuels.

  • Loimaan Kaukolämpö - Loimaa

    A 3 MW pellet heating plant, connected to the Loimaa city district heating network in 2023. The heating plant includes a 3 MW Ariterm Bio boiler, connected to two 1.5 MW (20 bar) Biojet Multi pellet burners. The burners are equipped with a moving, water-cooled grate. Thanks to the cooling, the grate's temperature is lowered, resulting in further reduction of maintenance and spare part requirements for the burner.

  • Kuusamon energia- ja vesiosuuskunta – Kuusamo

    A 3 MW pellet heating plant, connected to the Kuusamo city district heating network in 2023. The heating plant includes a 3 MW Ariterm Bio boiler, connected to two 1.5 MW (20 bar) Biojet Multi pellet burners. The burners are equipped with a moving, water-cooled grate. Thanks to the cooling, the grate's temperature is lowered, resulting in further reduction of maintenance and spare part requirements for the burner.

  • Leppäkosken Lämpö - Ikaalinen

    A 3 MW pellet heating center connected to the district heating network of the city of Ikaalinen. The heating center consists of two 1.5 MW BioJet Multi pellet burners and one 3 MW Ariterm Bio boiler.

  • Leppäkosken Lämpö - Vihola (Nokia)

    The pellet heating center with a maximum output of 6 MW heats the Vihola district of Nokia and is part of the district heating network of the city of Nokia. The heating center consists of two 3MW Ariterm Bio boilers and a total of four 1.5 MW BioJet Multi pellet burners.

    The heating center can operate with high efficiency from a very low partial power (200 kW). In addition, it can reach its maximum power even in less than 20 minutes after start-up, so it is therefore able to respond to rapidly changing heat production needs.

  • Kalajoen Lämpö - Pirkonsuo (Kalajoki)

    For Kalajoen Lämpö Oy, we designed a 4MW system, which was installed in the expansion part of the old POR heating center built by the customer. The pellet works as the first backup boiler of the district heating network (the main heating center is Junnikkala Oy's KPA heating center).

    The heating center consists of two 2 MW BioJet Multi pellet burners and one 4 MW Ariterm Bio boiler.

  • Parikkala municipality - Parikkala

    A heating center installed in the district heating network in the central district of Parikkala municipality. The maximum power of the heating center is 3 MW and it consists of two 1.5 MW BioJet Multi pellet burners and one 3 MW Ariterm Bio boiler. The heating center works as a control and backup plant in the 200 – 3000 kW power range with the adjacent chip center.

  • Savon Voima - Joroinen

    A heating center installed in the district heating network of Joroinen municipality. The maximum power of the heating center is 3 MW and it consists of two 1.5 MW BioJet Multi pellet burners and one 3 MW Ariterm Bio boiler. The heating center acts as a control and reserve plant.

    The measured efficiency of the heating center is 93.2% at full power and 92.9% at partial power (50%).

  • Pelto-Paturi Oy - Turenki

    Pelto-Paturi Oy specializes in seed production. In the summer of 2010, a new dryer and a new modern heating center were built on the premises.

    In the heating center, the heat production of the farm's properties and the drying room is connected to one and the same heating center. This way there is only one fuel storage. This storage "feeds" the 120 kW water boiler that takes care of heating the properties, as well as the 500 kW dryer oven. The systems mentioned above can be used independently of each other. Both furnaces have MultiJet burners, which can efficiently use different fuels, such as wood chips, wood chips, lump peat, pellets, grain batches, etc.

  • Halesa Oy - Lähdeniitty

    Halesa Oy is building a 130-apartment small house area in Lähdeniitty district of Nokia, the last parts of which was completed in 2014. The area's heating solution is a 1 MW pellet heating center supplied by Ariterm. It is Finland's largest pellet solution in a new construction area.

    "I have been very satisfied with the pellet heating. It has been an effortless and relatively inexpensive heating solution. And most importantly, it is domestic, pollution-free and renewable energy from nature."

    – Halesa Oy's board chairman RI, Pauli Salonen

  • Savon voima - Sorsakoski

    In 2012, Ariterm delivered a 1.5 MW pellet heating center to Savon Voima in Sorsakoski. The heating center consists of two 750 kW BioJet pellet burners and a 1 MW oil boiler serves as backup power. The heating center is controlled by the Arimatic 2000 control center. The heating center produces heat for the Iittala tableware factory.

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