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Ariterm Service Oy

Advanced thermal technology for renewable biofuels

Ariterm's high-quality domestic bioheating solutions, developed with years of experience, offer an efficient and reliable way to utilize domestic, renewable, fossil-free energy sources.

We deliver advanced heating solutions to various locations and for various purposes, either for the production of hot water, steam or warm air. Our bio-heating plants use fossil-free fuels such as wood pellets and wood chips. The use of agropellet, for example sunflower pellets and pellets pressed from field waste, mixed with wood pellets is also possible and brings significant cost savings.

As your partner, we ensure that your company can switch to fossil-free energy easily and reliably. We manage the operation of our devices even after delivery. Our comprehensive spare parts warehouse contains more than 2000 items for immediate delivery from our online store. Our versatile maintenance services  and maintenance team are available throughout Finland, even with short notice if necessary.

Heating expertise and history spanning 120 years

The history of the company dates back to 1904, when the first water-circulating heating boiler in Finland was manufactured at Högfors Oy's foundry. Arituote Oy started manufacturing heating boilers in Saarijärvi in 1974. The company's name changed to Arimax Ky in 1983, in 1989 the company merged with Högfors Lämpö Oy. Högfors Lämpö Oy moved to its current premises in 1998, after which, after a change of owners, the company's name has been Thermia Oy and Ariterm Oy.

In 2019, the staff of Ariterm Service Oy, together with two capital investors, bought the business related to the manufacturing of heating equipment. The size of the heating systems manufactured has constantly increased, which is why competent and committed staff are particularly important to us. The personnel’s average experience with Ariterm and Säätötuli products is about 20 years.

Our factory is located in Saarijärvi, in the middle of the clean forests, fields and waters of Central Finland. That's how we want to keep them. That's why we do continuous development of environmentally friendly bioheat systems, relying on our long history and know-how.

The unique district heating equipment utilizing bioenergy was delivered to Kurikan Energia Oy, the opening ceremony was held in February 2024. The maximum power of the plant is 4 MW. The plant's fuel is a mixture of oat husks and wood pellets, so agricultural by-products are used for heat production. Oat husk pellets also achieve significant savings in fuel costs.

Our goal is a fossil-free future!

Our vision is to help our customers switch to fossil-free energy. We develop, design and manufacture bio-heating plants and combustion technology that can replace fossil fuels - while reducing carbon dioxide emissions and fuel costs.

During the last year, we have manufactured three district heating plants using pellets as fuel, with a combined output of 11 MW. Similar plants running on oil would have consumed about 10,000,000 liters of oil in a year at an average power of 50%. By replacing oil with fossil-free fuel, CO2 emissions were reduced by approximately 25,000 tons.

We will also continue to invest in the development of new heating solutions. New products completed in recent years include:

  • A district heating plant using oat husk pellets (agropellet) as fuel. Read more.

  • Pellet container solution for construction site heat production. Read more.

  • A heating plant for the simultaneous production of biochar and heat. Read more.

  • As a new application, together with our partner, we manufacture and bring to Finland heating plants that use pellets as fuel to produce steam. Read more.

Energiatekniikan edelläkävijä

Ariterm kehittää, valmistaa ja markkinoi lämmitystekniikkaa uusiutuville polttoaineille kuten pelletti, klapi ja hake. Turvallisen lämmityksen varmistamiseksi Aritermin valmistamat kattilat ovat korkealaatuisia, toimintavarmoja ja pitkäikäisiä. Lämmitysinvestointisi biopolttoaineelle on siis tuottoisa verrattuna muihin ratkaisuihin.

Huolto- ja varaosapalvelut

Ariterm Service Oy tarjoaa huolto- ja varaosapalveluita nopeasti, joustavasti ja ammattitaitoisesti koko Suomen alueella. Palvelut on suunnattu sekä vanhoille, että uusille Ariterm tuotteiden käyttäjille. Me hoidamme mm. laitteistopäivitykset ja asennukset, varaosapalvelun, käyttökoulutukset, lämmöntuotannon optimoinnin ja laitteistokorjaukset.

Tarjoamme myös huoltosopimuksia lämpökeskuksille.

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